2018 MAAP-BC Family Doctor Work Patterns Infographic
2018 BC Family Doctors’ Feelings about their Work
2018 BC Family Doctors’ Ideas about increasing availability of Community-based Primary Care
2016 Poster – Capacity of downtown Vancouver Primary Care MAAP-PHC Pilot
2016 Infographic – The 5 types of Family Doctor Work Patterns described in MAAP-PHC pilot study
2016 Table – Details of Family Doctor Work Patterns MAAP-PHC pilot
Patient Complexity in Primary Care – Literature Review of Grouping Systems _Med Student Project
The above posters/infographics/materials are the results from our 2016 pilot project, MAAP-Providence Health Care, where we trialed the survey tools and analysis methods for the downtown Vancouver region. There are important limitations to these results, including that use of convenience sample, i.e. Providence Healthcare members and a single geographic location, may not allow for generalizability to other regions/samples. However, this pilot process allowed us to create a comprehensive description of this region and learn how to best use our survey tools to be prepared for the current larger project, MAAP-BC.
Additional summaries of MAAP-PHC pilot results are available. Please email us at info@maap-bc.ca if interested and check back here for future results from the expanded MAAP-BC project.
For MAAP-BC, we are currently collecting data for geographies covered by Vancouver Coastal Health, using the tools shown in the figure below.